
Top 5 PHP Tools for Web Developer

Written by     on    01 Feb, 2019     0      

Do you know which PHP IDE you have to use in PHP? While you are experienced or fresher PHP developer you should be aware of following PHP Tools, also called PHP IDE. There are may be hundreds of tools available, but it is not sure that each tool is efficient and works well. So we have analyzed online PHP developer reviews, top website and read official forum then we have made the way clear of top PHP ide and finally mentioned here.

Without using PHP tools, it is very tough to create multi functions application or website, so developers using these PHP tools to create 100% accurate and efficient application in short period.

1. Eclipse

Eclipse is considered one of the best PHP IDE, Also it is widely used as Java IDE. Eclipse introduced before 10 years ago, still has been popular among the PHP developers. It has several dynamic features for the different operating system like windows Linux and mac that make it popular among the developer.

2. PHP Storm

It is open source software for the students and learner and but it is paid version for the businesses.  PHP storm is a smart PHP code editor that provides completion, syntax highlighting, code formatting and configuration, code folding and more. Easy navigation, when you are working for large projects it helps to code more efficiently and save time.

3. PHP Designer

It is another PHP IDE that builds in with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. PHP designer all in one functionality that helps you with editing, analysing, debugging, to Publish website. It has some dynamic features such as code insight, integration with GIT, fast and powerful and easy to use.

4. NetBeans

It is the best PHP IDE for a PHP developer, also being popular to develop desktop java, mobile and web applications. Moreover, It is open source software, has the large community support that makes PHP developing easier for starter developer. NetBeans more than an editor, because it has the function like editor indent lines, matches words, and brackets.  However, It Editor supports many languages such as Java, XML, HTMP, PHP, JAVA Doc. And most important is that it keeps a clear overview of the large applications.

5. Sublime Text

It is sophisticated text editor for Code, markup, and prose. It has split editing function that means you can edit the same file at the same time, edit two locations in one file. And it is not only available for windows but also available for Mac and Linux. The sublime text uses a custom UI toolkit, highly optimized for speed and beauty. And Also it created with custom components that provide unmatched responsiveness.

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